About Us

Who we are

Abaim is a non-governmental organisation founded in 1982. The association origins from a support group which was established to help blind workers from Lois Lagesse Centre, who went on strike and occupied their workplace in 1982. In 2020, our was accredited by the Unesco Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage.

Since its inception,  making human rights work for people has been the main objective of the organisation. ABAIM firmly believes in democracy and any struggles which betters society at large.

Gradually Abaim has seen the importance of caring for vulnerable children.

Since1995, the organisation  has set up a project called “Saturday Care” where children have the opportunity to express  themselves  through free speech, storytelling, play, music and various other creative ways.

Through these actions and activities ABAIM has become a reference in term of intangible cultural heritage, production of pedagogical material in  creole language and musical creations in Mauritius. ABAIM is also active in other regions like Le Morne and Grand Bay.


Contribute, through social, economic, psycho-pedagogical and cultural action, to the advancement of vulnerable people, especially children and the blind, with the great participation of parents in the country.


A society in which people, from infancy to adulthood, have the opportunity to live their lives in harmony with dignity, without discrimination.

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